student in graduation with hands up

Frequently Asked Questions

1. After I submit a room reservation request, how will I be notified of my room assignment?

You will receive a system confirmation via email.

2. How can I make a time/date/room change on a confirmed request?

Send an email to Be sure to provide your reservation number so that we can access your original request quickly. Also, if pertinent, give the reason for the change so that your event isn’t scheduled in the same building or same type of room, if this is why the change was requested.

3. If a classroom is locked, whom do I call to open the door?

Call ITS Learning Environments at (213) 821-6601.

4. If classroom furniture is missing, whom do I contact to replace the item(s)?

All classrooms should be equipped with an instructor’s table and chair. If furniture is missing, you can contact us at (213) 740-4612 or Alternately, you can contact ITS Learning Environments directly at (213) 821-6601.

5. How can I find the capacity of a specific classroom?

Check the Classroom Scheduling Room List.

6. How can I find out if a classroom has specific media equipment?

Contact ITS Learning Environments at (213) 821-6601.

7. What if another class or event is occurring in my scheduled room at my scheduled time?

If possible, avoid interrupting the instructor or speaker. Ask a student in the room near the doorway what the class or event is. Then, call Classroom Scheduling immediately at (213) 740-4612 and provide both the classroom and class/event information so that the conflict can be resolved.