student in graduation with hands up



  • The Curriculum Handbook (pdf) details decisions made by the university throughout the years regarding curricular matters (e.g., what constitutes an internship, a minor; what is acceptable in terms of contact hours; how many credit hours must a master’s degree have, etc.). Please be sure to reference the guide as you build your school’s and/or department’s curriculum.
  • The New Program Pre-Proposal Form (PDF) is required in advance of proposing all new degree programs and certificates. Completed forms should be sent to Andrew Stott, Vice Provost for Academic Programs. Approved forms must be attached to new program proposals.


  • The Required Syllabus Elements for UCOC (doc) outlines what the Curriculum Coordination Office and the UCOC subcommittee members look for in every syllabus, regardless of syllabus design or template used.
  • The CET Syllabus Template is a faculty resource maintained by the USC Center for Excellence in Teaching. It contains the most recent version of the Statement on Academic and Support Systems, is fully accessible, and can be downloaded for editing.
  • The Checklist: Top 10 Syllabus Errors to Avoid (pdf) will help you review when your syllabus is done and double check your work.
  • The Contact Hour Policy (pdf) details USC’s official guidelines on the relationship between contact hours and unit credit.
  • The Contact Hours Reference (pdf) details required minimum contact hours per unit and course length (in weeks).
  • The Professional Development Guidelines (pdf) provide information on what constitutes professional development versus academic content, as well as guidance on how to assess academic credit for those courses that include elements of professional development



  • The Designated Deans List (pdf) indicates the designated dean of curriculum for each school.
  • The Financial Aid Eligibility and Program Scheduling (pdf) lists financial aid considerations when developing curricula.
  • The New General Education (GE) Procedures (pdf) details how to schedule a General Education Seminar, and how to enter a new or existing course, with the new GE designation, into the Student Information System (SIS). This document also offers guidance in reviewing undergraduate programs for necessary revisions in light of the new GE requirements.