student in graduation with hands up

Curriculum Management System

CurriculogTM is an online interface that allows programs, minors, courses, and off-campus programs and courses to be proposed, created, assessed, revised, approved and implemented. Faculty and staff involved in departmental, school, and university-level review may view the progress of their proposals from start to finish.

Request Access to CurriculogTM

All faculty and staff with USC credentials should be able to access CurriculogTM. To add or replace a person in the roles of departmental curriculum coordinator or chair, please email and copy the curriculum dean and the people who currently have the roles, as applicable. Curriculum deans are updated yearly per the direction of the school dean.

  1. Originator: anyone who submits program and course proposals
  2. Departmental Curriculum Coordinator (DCC): a staff or faculty member who submits and coordinates the review of proposals for the entire department
  3. Department Chair: curriculum chair of a department
  4. Department Committee Chair: chair of a department committee
  5. Department Committee Member: member of a department committee
  6. School Committee Chair: chair of a school committee
  7. School Committee Member: member of a school committee
  8. School Dean: school dean for curriculum
  9. School Curriculum Coordinator: reviewer of all school proposals, partnered with school dean

CurriculogTM may be accessed at using your USC Shibboleth authentication credentials (USC NetID and password).

If you have trouble with your NetID and/or password, please call Information Technology Services at (213) 740-5555.


CCO provides user support and training for CurriculogTM. Please call (213) 740-1162 or email for assistance and/or to set up future training.