Time and Day Changes
List the change on the Class Scheduling Addition, Change or Deletion form at CHANGE. Fill out the appropriate fields, including “Room: from”, even if the room has not changed and it is under your control. The “Room: from” field lets the Registration and Classroom Scheduling offices know if a general-use classroom is affected. If a general-use classroom needs to be assigned, leave the “Room: to” field blank. Registration will deliver the form to our office for the room assignment.
Room-to-Room Changes
You can submit room-to-room changes to us via:
- Email: classroom.scheduling@usc.edu
- Phone: (213) 740-4612
- Fax: (213) 821-3756 or (213) 740-8598
Please include:
- Semester/Term
- Course
- 5-digit Section Number
- Time/Day (Only to validate the correct course)
- From: (Present Classroom Assignment)
- To: New Classroom Assignment, if the room is under your control. Leave blank if you are requesting a general-use classroom.
- Reason: Specify only if you are requesting a general-use classroom, to prevent your class from being scheduled in the same building or room type.