Subject Credit
Credit toward a requirement, such as general education or a course requirement for a major or minor. This is distinct from unit or degree credit, which refers to units earned toward a degree. For example, students who are not eligible to transfer any more courses in for unit credit (because they have reached the transfer […]
Student Record
For purposes of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a student record is defined as an education record comprised of those records directly related to a student and maintained by the university or an agent acting for the university. There are a number of records that are excluded from consideration in determining education records. […]
Student ID
A ten-digit number assigned by the university and used to retrieve student records and provide various student services. Students can obtain a USC I.D. at USCard Services, located in Parking Structure X. Students must and should carry their USC I.D. with them at all times. See ID Number Correction / Change.
Student Conduct
See Conduct
The STudent Academic Record System. An automated degree audit that reflects students’ academic progress toward degree completion for declared programs of study. Students may obtain a copy of their STARS Report on OASIS in Degree Progress, located in the Basement of JHH.
Special Exams
See Examinations (Subject Credit).
Also known as Session Code. Session refers to the three-digit code used at USC to denote: 1 – dates; 2 – costs; and 3 – location of a course offered by the university. The university’s main session, 001, includes all courses that follow the university’s Academic Calendar and the normal fee structure, and are taught in university facilities. […]
Schedule of Classes
A university publication containing lists of courses offered, important dates, registration procedures, and fees. The university produces a Schedule of Classes each fall, spring and summer term.
See Holds/Restrictions
The number of units or the segment of a degree program that must be completed at USC. There are requirements for undergraduate programs, graduate programs and specific requirements for a second bachelor’s degree. Courses taken off-campus may be considered taken “in residence” if they are part of an overseas studies program offered through USC, or […]