student in graduation with hands up

Limited Status Enrollment

The limited status program is intended for individuals approved by the University to take a limited number of courses at USC.

 Individuals who do not have a bachelor’s degree may take up to 16 units. Graduate students may take up to 12 units.

 For more information on the cost of enrollment at USC for limited status students, please review the tuition and fees on a per-unit basis in the USC Schedule of Classes. There is also a one-time, nonrefundable $100 processing fee for new limited status students, which will be assessed by the Registrar’s Office when the applicant attends the in-person appointment. The processing fee does not apply to USC staff and faculty. Please note that financial aid is not available for limited status students.

Academic Eligibility Policies
  1. Students who have not yet completed a bachelor’s degree are not eligible for limited status enrollment if they have been denied admission to USC or if they have been academically disqualified or suspended from any community college, college or university.  
  2. To be eligible for limited status at the undergraduate level, a student must be actively enrolled at a different institution. A transient letter from a student’s home institution is required. A transient letter is an official document from a student’s home institution that verifies that credits earned at another institution will be accepted toward their degree. 
  3. Students admitted to the spring semester are not eligible for limited status enrollment during the fall semester before starting at USC.
  4. At the post-baccalaureate level, limited status enrollment is not available to students who have been denied admission to the department offering the course, unless prior approval is granted by the department and the appropriate dean. 
  5. Enrollment as a limited status student does not guarantee admission to any degree program at USC. 
  6. Students must obtain or maintain academic eligibility in accordance with the requirements of the university and the school or department in which they are enrolled. Academic disqualification may result in revocation of this registration, even if classes have started. 
  7. Prior approval of the department offering the course is required for all limited status enrollment. If a limited status student is subsequently admitted to regular standing, no more than the first 16 undergraduate units or the first 12 graduate units taken through limited status enrollment can be applied toward a degree. In very rare situations, individual undergraduate exceptions may be approved by the dean of the degree-conferring unit. For graduate students, the rare exception must be approved by the Vice Provost for Graduate Programs. 
  1. Holders of any visa will require additional document review by the USC Office of International Services.
  2. Holders of B-1 and B-2 visas are not eligible for limited status enrollment at USC.
  3. Applicants for F-1 status on another institution’s I-20 are eligible for limited status enrollment if they will enroll at the I-20 school and USC concurrently. A letter from the international office at the I-20 school verifying enrollment must be submitted along with your limited status application. Applicants for F-1 status not currently maintaining immigration status and/or not enrolling at the I-20 school are not eligible for limited status enrollment at USC.
  4. Individuals in other visa categories such as A, E, G, H, I, J, L, O, P, Q, R and TN are eligible for limited status enrollment if they maintain that visa status. A copy of the passport and I-94 card will be required with the limited status application.
  • The $100 processing fee is waived for the groups listed above.
  • Review the information on the USC employees page for eligibility and requirements.
  1. Review the Registration Calendar for the term at For fall and spring semesters, requests for limited status enrollment must be received one week prior to the last day to register and settle without a late fee. For summer semester, requests must be received one week prior to the date classes begin for session 050. There are no exceptions to these deadlines. Petitions to add a course late are not allowed.
  2. Complete the Limited Status Registration Form. 
  3. Contact the department offering the course you wish to take and request permission to enroll. Department phone numbers and/or emails are shown with their course listings in theSchedule of Classes. Department approval is required for all courses. 
  4. If the department offering the course approves the applicant’s request to register, the department will submit the Department Approval form and the Limited Status Registration form to the Registrar One Stop.  
  5. The Registrar’s Office will contact the applicant to schedule an in-person appointment. The applicant must furnish two forms of government-issued identification (e.g., a driver’s license, passport, government identification card, military identification), a Social Security card, and proof of address through a utility bill.   
  6. Submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. For those who have not yet completed a bachelor’s degree, a transient letter will be required.  
  7. If the Registrar’s Office approves the application, the applicant will be registered for the approved courses, and the applicant will be notified by email. The applicant will have one business day to submit tuition payment or enrollment will be canceled.

Phone: (213) 740-8500

Contact Us 


Once we process your request, we will email you confirmation of your registration. To pay your tuition bill and to activate other student services, please view the post-registration instructions.

University employees should submit the appropriate forms to the Benefits Administration Office before the first day of the semester to avoid late registration fees. Students sponsored by an agency should review the information on the Student Sponsor/Agency Billing website.


Limited Status students do not have access to Web Registration. Should a student need to make changes to their schedule (e.g., add or drop classes, change grading option, remove Tuition Refund Insurance, etc.), they must email our office with the request. If a USC email address is not used to submit the request, a copy of a photo ID (e.g., driver’s license, state ID, etc.) must be attached.