USC Veterans Certification Office Staff Directory
Name | Title | |
Jackie Celestino | Veterans Certification Officer | |
Bianca Romero | Veterans Certification Officer | |
Resources and information for current USC students
Students Overview →USC’s Student Academic Record System (STARS)
USC’s Student Academic Record System (STARS)
STARS Report Overview →The Student Academic Record System report (STARS) reflects a student’s academic progress toward completion of their degree(s) for their declared major(s).
Answers to commonly asked questions about STARS reports
Information on requesting a STARS report
Features of the STARS Interactive Audit
Policies and resources for transferring credit to USC
Policies and resources for transferring credit to USC
Transfer Credit Services Overview →Policies and resources for transferring credit to USC
USC’s Articulation Agreements with community colleges
Articulation histories with local four-year colleges
Non-USC courses that will satisfy USC requirements
Policies on AP, IB and A-level examination credit
Requesting a change in the evaluation of a transfer course
Information on summer courses taken outside of USC
Answers to commonly asked questions about transfer credit for spring admits
Administrative services regarding student degrees
Administrative services regarding student degrees
Degree Progress Overview →Administrative services regarding student degrees
Policies on transfer credit awarded for graduate coursework
Verifying a bachelor’s-level degree for grad students
Names of graduating students by program of study
Staff directory for the Degree Progress department
Answers to commonly asked questions about degree progress
Assistance and resources for student veterans
Assistance and resources for student veterans
Veterans Certification Overview →Assistance and resources for student veterans
Programs that provide veterans education benefits
Filing for veterans education benefits at USC
How benefits are coordinated with your financial aid
Information on the VA’s Yellow Ribbon Program
Work-Study benefits and tutorial assistance for veterans
Procedures for students called to immediate active duty
Additional useful resources for student veterans
Staff directory for the Veterans Certification Office
Answers to commonly asked questions for veterans
Information about the grading process at USC
Information about the grading process at USC
Grades Overview →Information about the grading process at USC
Policies and recommendations for determining student grades
Answers to commonly asked questions about grading concerns
Information on taking a Leave of Absence from USC
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA Overview →The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA rights and procedures as they apply to parents
FERPA rights and procedures as they apply to students
Definitions of various words as they relate to FERPA policies
Answers to commonly asked questions about FERPA
Necessary forms for academic or registration purposes
Records services for current and former USC students
Records and Transcripts Overview →Access transcript information and ordering instructions
Access transcript information and ordering instructions
Transcripts Overview →Access transcript information and ordering instructions
Instructions for ordering PDF transcripts
Instructions for ordering paper transcripts
Answers to commonly asked questions about transcripts
Requests for diplomas and CeDiploma validation
Requests for diplomas and CeDiploma validation
Diploma Overview →Request for diplomas and CeDiploma validation
Ordering a replacement for a lost or damaged diploma
Answers to commonly asked questions about diplomas
Learn about the benefits of a Certified Electronic Diploma
Use the CeDiD to authenticate a CeDiploma from USC
Answers to commonly asked questions about CeDiplomas
Requests for verification of student academic records
Requests for verification of student academic records
Verification Overview →Requests for verification of student academic records
Instructions for ordering paper verifications
Instructions for ordering verifications as a student’s designated third party
Instructions for ordering electronic verifications online
Answers to commonly asked questions about degree verification
Course registration and academic counseling services for students
Registration and Counseling Overview →Information and instructions for course registration
Information and instructions for course registration
Registration Services Overview →Information and instructions for course registration
Registration deadlines in the Schedule of Classes
Assistance with registration, student accounts and more
Instructions for enrolling in courses at USC
A Visual Guide to USC’s Class Scheduling System
Information and FAQs regarding the optional insurance
Taking courses at USC without formal admission
Answers to commonly asked questions about registration
Services for students on probation or seeking readmission
Services for students on probation or seeking readmission
Academic Counseling Overview →Services for students on probation or seeking readmission
What the Academic Review and Retention Office does
Information for students with GPAs lower than 2.0
Policies regarding disqualification and/or readmission
Meet with an Academic Review Counselor online
Inquires about registration errors or policy exceptions
Change of Schedule and Permit to Register forms
Resources and information for USC Faculty and Staff
Faculty and Staff Overview →Information about the grading process at USC
Information about the grading process at USC
Grades Overview →Information about the grading process at USC
Policies and recommendations for determining student grades
Answers to commonly asked questions about grading concerns
Tools and resources for classroom scheduling
Tools and resources for classroom scheduling
Classroom Scheduling Overview →Tools and resources for classroom scheduling
Changing a class to a new time, day, or room
Policies on required in- and out-of-class contact per unit
General information on room scheduling for final exams
List of all rooms in which classes may be scheduled
Contact information for class scheduling coordinators
Color-coded chart outlining classroom scheduling timeframes
Written table outlining classroom scheduling timeframes
Use the Room Finder app to peruse classrooms on campus
Creating and maintaining a Schedule of Classes
Downloadable spreadsheet to assist with section planning
Answers to commonly asked questions about classroom scheduling
Policies and procedures for curriculum management
Policies and procedures for curriculum management
Curriculum Overview →Policies and procedures for curriculum management
Breakdown of the curriculum review process
Deadlines for inclusion in the USC Catalogue
Links to various resources for curricula, syllabi, and more
Manage curriculum proposals, revisions, approvals and more
Review and approval for off-campus courses and programs
University Committee on Curriculum (UCOC) meetings
Submitting curriculum changes for the USC Catalogue
Submitting curriculum changes for the USC Catalogue
Catalogue Overview →Submitting curriculum changes for the USC Catalogue
Submitting curriculum changes for the USC Catalogue
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policies and procedures
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policies and procedures
FERPA Overview →Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) policies and procedures
Answers to commonly asked questions about FERPA
Definitions of various words as they relate to FERPA policies
Links to various policies and instructions for advisors
Information on the Online Academic Student Information System
OASIS Overview →Learn about OASIS, including helpful login instructions
Online login page for student access
Online login page for advisor access
Guest login link and instructions for setting up Guest access
USC Registrar › Students › Veterans Certification › Staff Directory
Name | Title | |
Jackie Celestino | Veterans Certification Officer | |
Bianca Romero | Veterans Certification Officer | |
Frequently asked questions
Commonly searched terms