student in graduation with hands up

Section Scheduling at USC


The goal of the Registrar’s office is to help academic departments create and maintain their list of course offerings each term. To meet the goal, the Registrar’s office has launched this website, which provides information, instructions and tools that departments can use to build their schedule of classes.


The development of the university’s Schedule of Classes is a joint effort that involves academic departments and the Registrar’s office. Each academic department must determine which courses to offer in its schedule of classes for fall, spring and summer. Each department’s schedule of classes coordinator, or scheduling coordinator, must also enter the course data in the university’s Student Information System (SIS). The Registrar’s office establishes the deadlines for the production of the Schedule of Classes, collects the schedule data from all departments, reports the schedule data to the appropriate school dean, and assigns classrooms, if necessary. Schedule data, as well as other important information for students such as the Registration Calendar, is hosted on the Schedule of Classes website.

The Schedule of Classes Development Timeline

Scheduling Coordinators and the Registrar’s Office must meet several deadlines to produce the university’s Schedule of Classes in time for students to plan their class schedules. The timeline begins several months before the first day of classes for each term. A list of these dates for the current and upcoming terms is provided in the table below.

EventSummer 2025Fall 2025Spring 2026Summer 2026
Begin section input9/23/202410/10/20246/2/20259/22/2025
Section input restricted by Registrar’s Office11/18/20241/6/20257/28/202511/14/2025
Coordinators submit Curriculog form to add, change, or delete sections11/22/20241/7/20257/29/202511/17/2025
Coordinators run final review of their entries by running the RNR.R.SECT.SUMM report2/3/20252/24/20259/15/20252/2/2026
Registrar sends email schedules to deans for review2/6/20252/26/20259/17/20252/3/2026
Schedule of Classes released2/10/20253/4/202510/6/20252/9/2026
Registration begins2/24/20253/24/202510/27/20252/23/2026

*No general-use classroom changes for the academic sections after the add/drop period (after the first three weeks of a semester).

There are two distinct periods in the schedule production timeline.

First period: Departments can add, change and delete any section using RNR.U.SCHEDULE. See the table above for section input and lockout dates.

Upcoming Semester for Which You Can Submit a Curriculog Section Scheduling FormTime of Year
FallLate October through early January
SpringEarly June through early August
SummerLate September through late November

Second period: Departments lose the ability to add, change and delete in RNR.U.SCHEDULE (unless the department owns the respective classroom space or is not part of Dornsife). During the second period, departments may request additions, changes and deletions of sections by submitting requests using Curriculog.

Upcoming Semester for Which You Can Submit a Curriculog Section Scheduling FormTime of Year
FallEarly January through Mid-December
SpringLate July through Mid-May
SummerLate November through Mid-August

SchoolCourse scheduled in a General-Use Classroom?Able to Add/Change/Delete in SIS after DeadlineMust Submit Curriculog Form for Additions/Deletions

The Section Scheduling Form on Curriculog streamlines the process of scheduling course additions, changes, and cancellations. Electronic requests are to be filled out by Scheduling Coordinators and are automatically routed for the appropriate approval. Users can track where their requests are in the review process and are also immediately notified when a request has been approved or needs modification.

For detailed instructions on submitting a Section Scheduling Form on Curriculog, please see the SSF User Manual.

Creating a Department’s Schedule of Classes

Scheduling coordinators should meet with department chairs before the production timeline begins and use the previous year’s Schedule of Classes to determine which existing courses the department will offer.

Coordinators should also consult with department chairs to determine if faculty wish to offer any Special Topics courses (499s and 599s) and if any courses have been approved by the Curriculum Office.

With this information at hand, scheduling coordinators can enter section data in RNR.U.SCHEDULE.

Since courses offered in the fall and spring semesters largely remain constant, the Registrar’s Office conducts a “roll-over” of the previous year’s schedule to make the data entry process easier for academic units. In other words, coordinators do not have to create their schedules from scratch each fall and spring.

Coordinators must create each section for the summer schedule. As the timeline indicates, coordinators have at least six weeks to input section data in SIS before the Registrar’s Office restricts access (unless the department own the classroom space involved).

Most courses at USC are offered within the university’s established Academic Calendar. Courses that follow the academic calendar dates, are taught at USC facilities, and do not carry higher or lower tuition rates should be scheduled in session 001 during the fall and spring semesters.

If a course falls outside these parameters, it should be scheduled in a “Session Request Guidelines”. To avoid costly errors for the coordinator’s academic department (the loss of financial aid eligibility for students in the program), scheduling coordinators must take the Financial Aid Eligibility Considerations in Course Scheduling course in Trojan Learn.  To access the course, please log in to Trojan Learn and type “Financial Aid Eligibility Considerations in Course Scheduling” into the search engine. Once the coordinator is informed of the implications of offering courses in non-standard sessions, the next step is to learn the mechanics of how to request a session. Refer to the Session Request Guidelines for more information. Coordinators can also access the Session Request Form.

FDM Fields in RNR.U.SCHEDULE (SIS) Page 3

General Information About RNR.U.SCHEDULE Page 3 (tuition revenue distribution fields): 

  • SIS Page 3 of RNR.U.SCHEDULE (tuition revenue distribution) now requires Workday FDM fields instead of GL and Object Code fields. The FDM fields in SIS:
    • GL Account has been replaced with PPGG (Project, Program, Gift, Grant), Cost Center and Company.
    • The Object Code has been replaced with Ledger Account and/or Spend/Revenue Category.
  • These fields will roll over for the existing sections in the future.
    The existing records should have the new FDM fields populated. The GL and Object Code are legacy and are display-only.
  • For new lecture sections (C, CD, CL), these fields will need to be manually entered.
  • Your SBO (Senior Business Officer) should be able to provide the information you need to properly populate the new fields on Page 3 of the scheduling system.

Instructions for Faculty and Staff to Upload Syllabi and Bios

Course syllabi and links to instructor biographies can now be published online through the Schedule of Classes.  We recommend all instructors publish their syllabi and bios as a means of communicating expectations and providing students with valuable course information prior to the start of the semester. 
Faculty instructions:
  1. Contact your department’s scheduling coordinator to ensure your name is added to your courses in SIS (p .4 of RNR.U.SCHEDULE).
  2. Contact the Registrar’s Office ( to ensure you are added to the syllabus updater inclusion group. In your message, include your NetID and the department prefix(es) that you will support (example: CHEM).  
  3. Log in to myUSC.
  4. Find the Syllabus Updater on your dashboard.
  5. Select the term for which you wish to upload your syllabi and bios.
  6. Click on “Add Syllabus” and follow the instructions to upload a file for each course on your list.
Staff instructions:
  1. If you are new as a scheduling coordinator, or if a new prefix has been assigned to you, contact the Classroom Scheduling Office ( to check whether your name is listed under your prefix(es) in SIS.
  2. Contact the Registrar’s Office ( to ensure you are added to the syllabus updater inclusion group. In your message, include your NetID and the department prefix(es) that you will support (example: CHEM).
  3. Log in to myUSC once the Registrar’s Office has enabled your account to upload syllabi.
  4. Find the Syllabus Updater on your dashboard.
  5. Select the term for which you wish to upload syllabi and bios, then click the instructor name associated with the course. If there is no instructor associated with the course, the department Schedule of Classes coordinator will need to assign one before a syllabus can be added.
  6. Find the course in the instructor’s list, click “Add Syllabus” next to the associated section, and follow the instructions to upload the file.
General guidelines for uploading syllabi:
  1. Syllabus files should be in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
  2. File size may be up to 2 MB. 
  3. You must have a strong internet connection and be connected to a VPN.
If you can access the system but have problems uploading, please contact ITS Customer Support.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I get help if I am a new scheduling coordinator?

Each USC department has a scheduling coordinator. Please view the list of Scheduling Coordinators at USC to find another coordinator nearby.

  • For questions about SIS access, contact the Student Information System User Coordination Group (SIS UCG) at (213) 740-5337.
  • For questions about data entered in SIS and the Schedule of Classes, contact the Registrar’s Office at (213) 740-4623.
  • For questions regarding classrooms, visit the Classroom Scheduling page.
2. How can I find out what sections have been scheduled for my department for the next term?

In SIS, enter RNR.R.SECT.SUMM to request the report. After you enter the semester and the department prefix you want to see on the report, SIS will email the report to you.

3. How can I find out what my department offered in semesters past?

The Schedule of Classes contains course information for the current and last two terms. There is also an archive of course offerings that goes as far back as spring 2007.

4. Where can I find session dates?

The best place to find session dates is in SIS using SIS.D.SESS. The Schedule of Classes offers a comprehensive listing of session dates for every semester.  Please note that the sessions listed on the Schedule of Classes have been assigned to other departments. Often times, the sessions listed have different tuition charges than the standard university tuition amount. For this reason, scheduling coordinators should not use the Schedule of Classes sessions list to find a session that has the dates needed for a course.  Please contact us at (213) 740-4623 if you need a session code assigned for a course that will deviate from the university’s main session (001 in UPC for fall and spring; 046 for HSC in fall, spring, and summer; and 050, 051, 052, 053, 054, 055, 056, 057, 058, and 059 in summer).

5. How do I request a session for an upcoming semester?

If your department offers online courses or courses that run on a different calendar than the university’s main calendar, which you can find by visiting, you need to request the activation of a session. A session is simply a numeric code in SIS that has the beginning and ending dates for a course for a given semester. Your department chair will tell you whether online courses or alternative academic calendars are part of your department’s course schedule. To request a session, review the Session Request Guidelines, take the Financial Aid Eligibility Considerations in Course Scheduling course in Trojan Learn, and then submit the Non-Standard Session Request Form. Once your session has been activated, you can schedule courses in the session.

6. What is a Special Topics course?

When departments wish to introduce a new or emerging aspect of a field or to take advantage of the expertise of a new or visiting faculty member, a Special Topics course can be offered. The course numbers 499 and 599 are reserved to designate undergraduate and graduate levels, respectively.

7. How can I schedule a Special Topics course?

To request a 299, 499, 599 or 699 course, scheduling coordinators should submit a proposal using the dedicated Special Topics Section Scheduling approval process in CurriculogTM. The proposal will require a Section Title for the course and a course syllabus. The syllabus (in .docx or .pdf) must be saved with the name of the Section Title, without spaces. A syllabus template can be downloaded from the Curriculum Office Resources website. Once the Registrar’s Office reviews the request, the course will be approved and scheduled or returned to the proposing department for correction. To request access to CurriculogTM and for general assistance, please contact the Curriculum Office.

8. How can I give myself access to GRS?

Enter your name in the Overseer field on page 5 of RNR.U.SCHEDULE for every section you wish to view in GRS.

9. How do I set up GRS access for an instructor or TA?

Scheduling coordinators can grant GRS access on pages 4 and 5 of RNR.U.SCHEDULE by entering the individual’s name in the appropriate field. (Please refer to the description of GRS roles in the next question).

For instructors or TAs with common names (like John Smith), you should also have the individual provide you their USC ID number to avoid confusion. It can take up to four hours for GRS to allow a user entry after their name has been entered in SIS.

10. What are the different access levels in GRS?
  • Instructor: Highest level of access. Can view roster, enter grades in GRS, and submit grades to SIS.
  • TA: Has viewing rights in GRS but cannot enter grades in GRS.
  • Grader: Has viewing and grade entry rights in GRS but cannot submit grades to SIS.
  • Overseer: Has viewing rights in GRS.
  • Approver: Can view grades entered for a section. The approver is a second layer of review for grades. Enter a name in the Approver field only if directed to do so by your department chair or director.
11. Where can I find GRS instructions to give the instructors in my department?

Midterm and final exam instructions are available on the Grades Department webpage.

12. What other avenues may I try if no room is available through the Registrar's office in scheduling classes or events?

Visit the Venue Guide on the USC Office of Protocol and University Events homepage for details about alternate spaces on campus.

13. How do I list a course on the Courses of Interest page of the Schedule of Classes?

Scheduling coordinators must enter the courses to display on the Courses of Interest page in SIS in process RNR.U.CSA 30 days before the release of the Schedule of Classes.  Please refer to the table showing the dates for the Schedule of Classes release above.

14. Where can I find more information?

Contact the Registrar’s Office (