student in graduation with hands up

Grading and Roster System Help

Key Support Links

GRS System

Resolution of Incompletes (IN) and Missing Grades (MG)

Grading and Correction of Grades Handbook
USC’s Final Examination Policy – As this policy is re-published each semester, you can find the policy on the current Schedule of Classes by clicking Final Examination Schedule.

Support contacts

Access to GRS is granted by your department’s scheduling coordinator.
Grading Inquiries: Please contact your GRS Change Champion or Grading Department | 
Login & Technical Issues: ITS Service Desk (213) 740-5555 | | 

GRS FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions:

To find the date you can begin to enter grades, click the Grade Students link. Look in the gray box at the top of the grading page. The date to submit grades appears under “Final Grading Period”. In the example below, GRS will accept grades beginning October 5.

Looking at the gray box at the top of the grading page, the deadline to submit grades appears under “Final Grading Period”. In the example below, the deadline is November 6.

The system will show “completed” and will confirm grade submission on the status bar on the grading dashboard:


These are the possible status that can be shown against your section:


Grade Status


Not OpenNot within grading period
Midterm, Final GradingOpen for grading
In ReviewCurrently awaiting review by approver (NB not all departments have an approver process)
SubmittedGrades submitted to Registrar
CompleteGrades submitted and grading period closed
RejectedGrades have been rejected by the approver and will need to be updated and resubmitted. (NB not all departments have an approver process)

Two possibilities:

1. Verify that you entered grades for all students. The system requires that you enter a grade for every student.

2. GRS only allows the instructor of record to submit grades. Graders can also enter grades in GRS, but Graders do not have system permissions to submit grades to the Registrar’s Office. Teaching Assistants (TAs) can view information in GRS, but cannot enter grades in GRS or submit grades to the Registrar’s Office.

Assistant Lecturer
Teaching Assistant

If you are within the grading period (refer to #2 above) you can re-submit your updated grade. If the grading period is over, please contact the Grades Department on

USC uses DocuSign for grade corrections. The grades coordinator will initiate the grade correction request through DocuSign. When the coordinator creates the request, you will receive an email asking you to open the DocuSign ‘envelope.’ You will be able to enter the student’s information (name, ID, course, new grade, and reason for requesting the correction). As soon as you sign the envelope, DocuSign will forward it to the next person in the review process. Approval of the envelope by your school dean (or dean designee) will send it to the Grades Department for review. If the reason for the grade correction is valid, the Grades Department will make the change in the student’s transcript.

The UW will be computed in the GPA as zero grade points (as in the case of an F) and indicates a failure on the part of the student to assume the administrative responsibility of officially dropping a course.  Refer to Unofficial Withdrawal After The Drop Deadline or Grading Special Cases.

Professors may assign a mark of Incomplete (IN) if a student submits documentation of illness or emergency that occurs after the withdrawal deadline. If you agree to assign a mark of IN, the student must submit to you the Assignment of Incomplete Form. You must complete your portion of the form, return it to the student, and use the form as a contract of the pending work for the student.

Certain courses in Accounting, Business, French, Italian, Law, Thematic Option, and Writing require action by an Approver. If your section requires Approver review, when you submit grades an email will be sent to the approver. If the approver rejects the grades, they will provide a comment explaining why and you will receive an email notification to re-submit the section. This process repeats until the approver approves the grades.